OK, so I will admit it.... I'm hooked!

I can hardly believe thats it been only a week since the Soccer World Cup started. I'm totally loving it! I'm loving the vibe, the good spirit,and  the people! And, believe it not, I even like the soccer and the vuvazelas!

Our stadium looks fabulous. We went to take photos of it last Sunday, when the first game was played, Germany vs Australia. I was so proud to see our stadium finally be used for what it was intended for, and it looked so good. It was like a shining beacon in the night sky - beautiful!

There have been flags in abundance all over Durban for the last few weeks. Thank goodness the mean FIFA organisers didnt put a ban on flags, like they did on soccer shirts and clothing. The variety in flag showing off is hilarious! People have been putting flags everywhere - on their cars, their houses, their faces!

The soccer supporters have been incredible. They have such spirit. Us South African's have been  the loudest and proudest, but there are some countries out there that also have the best supporters around!

The vuvazela has to be the most unique instrument in the world. Its been driving me nuts to hear it being played at all hours of the day, all over Durban. However, at the Fan Park on Wednesday, watching SA play Urugay, I got to hear what it sounds like during a game, and I have new respect for this instrument!

When it is blown in unison with hundreds of others, it sounds like a swarm of bees. Its fascinating to see how the supporters use it to spur on the players, and to show discontent when the opposition is about to, or has scored. It has quite a euphoric sound to it, when blown to celebrate South Africa's success.

Not that there has been much SA success, unfortunately! There 25 000 stunned fans at the Durban Fan Park on Wednesday, as Urugay scored goal after goal, and SA did nothing. It was like someone pushed the mute button, as the excitement changed to disappointment. But its a game, and someone has to win an someone has to lose! 

So, on we go to the next few weeks, secretly hoping that South Africa pulls a rabbit out a hat and magically wins, but otherwise watching to see who will be the best in the tournament!