This is the last sunrise of 2013. Its summer, so the sun rises at 5am, shooting starts at 4.30am, which meant a 3am wake up for me. Incredibly, I made it! And the results were beautiful!

Farewell 2013, and welcome 2014!

Such awesome beauty, its quite breath taking sometimes that we get to see this, and record it. Somehow we become part of that beauty, with is wonderful. This is why I love photography.

Happy New Year! Welcome 2014.

In the pursuit of ART in photography, how far can one go?

To be technically competent, the photo should always be in focus. Or at least have one area that is in sharp focus.

However, I find it pleasing and artistically creative to dip into the realm of the blurred and unfocused.

For me, the exquisite blur, and the hint at the essence of the moment or movement, is what appeals.

It was raining and misty, on the drive up to Pietermaritzburg. I could have given up, and not taken a photo, based on the norm that all photos should be in focus. But I was delighting in the images I was getting through the wet windscreen! The blur was incredible! The forms were mist covered and hazy, but the scene was captured perfectly. A cold, wet, misty Friday afternoon, people going home from work, umbrellas up, walking along the road.
In post editing, the black and white high contrast effect suited the scene even more.
The exquisite blur, created by mist, movement and lack of focus creates ART for me. Artistic photography.
So, I'm not a beach babe.
Hate the sand.
Hate the heat.
But I love the waves and the sea!

My new inspiration is to shoot the waves in motion, panning as they curl over and crash down, trying to get that perfect moment in the motion, just as the light catches the inner wave.

Its tricky photography. Panning a moving wave is not easy. And for the most part, the focal point moves, so the focus is soft.

But every now and then I hit gold!!

I became inspired by David Orias's photos of waves. His work is incredible.

David shoots with a long lens, and he manages to pan perfectly. I have a 200mm, and panning is still a new technique for me. The idea too is to be there at the prime time for the best light to hit the waves. And in Durban, sometimes that time is rain time!! So shooting is out!

Here are some of my efforts:
Not quite there yet! But close! I will keep practising! And will update you as I go along!
The new construction on the Addington Children's Hospital is in progress. So far the new structure has been completed, and the renovation of the old hospital has just had its roof wetting ceremony.

Yvonne and I managed to sneak in a few weekends ago and get some photos. We suspect that we may not be able to get in anymore, seeing that they will be working on the interior of the building now.

So, its an end of an era! An end to the 'Urbex' and the photographic exploration! A bit sad for us photographers that have spent many hours in the ruins, exploring and taking photos, getting creative and spooked at the same time!

So far, Durban hasn't revealed anything else similar for us to shoot.
Welcome to my new blog, nestled every so prettly in my new website! I figured out how to setup a website, so now you can not only read all about it, but you can also see and view it all!

My old blogs can be found here.

If you like what you see, or want to make a suggestion, please comment on this blog.
Or go to the Contact Me page.

Happy reading!